Chung-Ho (Kenneth) Wu, 吳中赫

I am currently pursuing my Master's degree at National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (It was called National Chiao Tung University before), majoring Multimedia Engineering in College of Computer Science, and advised by Prof. Yu-Lun, Liu at CompPhoto Lab, specializing in 3D computer vision. I earned my bachelor's degree in Computer Science in National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University in 2023.

In addition, I am currently working at Qualcomm as an AISW intern, focusing on projects related to LLM and model converters.

Email  /  CV  /  Github

latest update: 2024-08-01

profile photo


I'm interested in computer vision, machine learning, image processing, XR, robotics topics. Currently, Most of my research is about novel view synthesis.

FrugalNeRF: Fast Convergence for Few-shot Novel View Synthesis without Learned Priors
Ching-Yang Lin, Chung-Ho Wu, Changhan Yeh, Alex Yen, Cheng Sun, Yu-Lun Liu
Under Review
project page / arXiv / (under reconstruction)

Utilizing self-guided adaptation of multi-scale voxel grid acheives fast convergence from sparse inputs.


Robot Navigation GIF
Intelligent Robot Navigation with Semantic Path Planning
NYCU CSIC30058: Perception and Decision Making in Intelligent Systems
github /

A robot navigation system utilized 3D semantic reconstruction information with SLAM.

Robot Navigation GIF
Boosting Zero-shot water segmentation
NYCU EEIE30068: Digital Image Processing (1st place in DIP water segmentation challenge)
github /

Boosting CLIP-basde zero-shot text-prompt segmentation with fast bilateral solver.

Under The Lake: VR Horror Immersive Experience
NYCU CSIC30006: XR Camp (XR Showcase Silver Award)
video /

VR horror immersive experience on scene captured from real campus.

Design and source code from Jon Barron's website.